



时间:2023-07-21 14:33:41 来源:admin 浏览:

彼欧(Plastic Omnium)与申能集团下属蓝能氢能科技(Rein Hytech)按50/50比例组建的新合资企业彼欧蓝能(PO-Rein)正式投入运营。 该合资企业旨在为中国商用车市场生产并提供高压储氢系统。

The new 50/50 joint venture between Plastic Omnium and Rein Hytech, a subsidiary of Shenergy Group, is now operational, under the name PO-Rein. The joint venture has for ambition to manufacture and market high-pressure hydrogen storage systems for the Chinese commercial vehicle market.

投资双方于2023年1月11日宣布,该合资企业将在上海市嘉定区建设生产基地,服务于不断增长的中国氢能市场:IV型高压储氢容器第一条生产线将于2025年投产, 而一座年产能高达60,000只高压储氢容器的大型工厂计划于 2026年投入运营。

Announced on January 11, 2023, this joint venture covers the setup of production capacities in Shanghai (Jiading district) to serve the growing Chinese market: a pilot production line for type IV high-pressure hydrogen vessels will be commissioned in the course of 2025, and a new mega-plant with an annual production capacity of up to 60,000 high-pressure hydrogen vessels, is scheduled to be operational from 2026 onwards.


